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Five Reasons Why You Don’t Have a Budget

Setting a budget sounds like a very simple process but making it work isn’t always that easy. 

If you’ve planned a budget but still find yourself running out of money before the end of the month, you need to figure out why it is not working. Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons that can cause a budget crash.

1. You Don’t Set a Budget

If you and your family want financial security, following a budget is the only answer. Having a budget keeps your spending in check and makes sure your savings are on track for the future.

Do not be afraid to ask for help! Set a Financial Planning with a Financial Advisor!

2. You Don't Save Enough

When it comes to saving money, the evidence is clear: People want to do it. They just do not follow through. Start Small. Think Big. Just save something—and save that something every week. Get in the habit of automatically saving a fraction of your income into a savings account.

3. You Have Too Much Debt

How can you save money when you have too much debt? 

With a proper budget, you can not only plan to eliminate your debt, but you can also figure out how to pay for all those bucket list items you dream about.

4. You Treat Credit Card As Income

Credit card debt is one of the worst things you can allow into your financial life. Between the ease of spending beyond your means, and the high interest rates that suck money from your life, credit card debt makes saving money a much more difficult task.

Stop using those credit cards except for in emergencies only if you do not have an emergency fund!

5. You Buy Things Impulsively

Giving in to impulse buying is not only hard on your wallet in the short term, but the habit prevents you from developing good financial practices in the long term. Before you buy something that you “need,” take a step back and determine whether you really should buy that item.

The importance of making a budget is a financial lesson that cannot be overstressed. If you and your family really want to achieve financial security, following a budget is the key!

If you need help in managing your finances, I am giving FREE Online Financial Planning! 

Message me to book for an appointment on my facebook page: Our Money Grows

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